Technologie Centrum Westbayern
On regional level TIGRA as founding member of the Technology Centrum Westbayern promotes founders and young enterprises in the economic region. The institution of the TCW companies focuses on bundling of activities in the areas of technology and human resources development, joint procurement, supplier and partner development. The establishment of the TCW and the economy in Nördlingen were honored with the "Bavarian Quality Award 2006".
Brand partner of the district DONAURIES
"We are brand partner DONAURIES, because our homeland with all its people and its peculiarities is close to our hearts for a long time to come." The DONAURIES economic region can only be promoted together. Together with regional partners from business, society and politics in the district, we focus on joint projects in order to win long-term and sustainable skilled workers and new citizens for our region in the district of DONAURIES and to maintain the good living and working conditions with us. An essential element of the DONAURIES brand is the equal partnership between the companies on the one hand and the public sector on the other.
We are a company with training-on-the-job!